Several schools recently gathered in the SJBC RUAH Hall for an RE conference.

This was given by Dr Peter Vardy on ethical issues that form part of the GCSE syllabus. Topics included: Gender, Homosexuality, Creation, Stewardship, Abortion and Euthanasia. 
Dr Vardy, (Vice Principal Heythrop College, University of London), was both engaging and challenging at the same time. He pushed students to think deeply about the issues discussed and to try and form clear arguments about what they believed to be morally right or wrong. Dr Vardy forced students to seriously consider the precious nature of human life and reminded them of Catholic teaching that we are all made in the image of God. 
It was a wonderful opportunity for our Salesian schools in the south, as well as other schools with which we have connections, to come together to be inspired by a great mind and a thoroughly inspirational and entertaining speaker.