Pastoral Review Day 18 September

Pastoral Review Day 18 September

As you will have seen advertised on the school calendar, this Friday, 18 September, we are holding our annual Pastoral/Academic review day.  This is an important event in the pastoral life of the school as it provides a valuable opportunity for you to have a detailed conversation with a key member of staff about your child’s well-being and progress.   As in previous years we will suspend the normal curriculum on this day with children in years 8-11 working from home, with work set by their teachers on Teams.  Year 7 students will be attending school as normal and sixth formers coming in by appointment.

Your child’s tutor will be contacting you between the following times to have a structured conversation with you to ensure that we can work together over the next academic year with a clear plan in place for each child to achieve their best.  Parents wishing to speak to their child’s tutor in person can come in to school for a meeting with them, only in the times outlined below.    












6th form

If you are unable to speak to your child’s tutor at this time then you will be able to arrange a separate time to have this conversation either on Friday or next week.  If you have any questions please contact your child’s tutor or Head of House in the first instance.