A Level Delight At SJBC!

SJBC students celebrated record-breaking A Level results this week

Students at St John Bosco celebrated today after a record-breaking set of A Level results at the Battersea school that saw 45% of grades achieved at A* and A, and 85% of grades at C and above. 

Successful students, Nooruddin and Rosa (pictured) were delighted with their top grades and are both looking forward to heading up to Glasgow University in the Autumn to read Maths.  Nooruddin said “I’m so excited to be going up to Glasgow and can’t wait to start studying up there!”

Headteacher Paul Dunne paid tribute to the students “This group of young people have been through so much in the past 18 months and for them to achieve as well as they have done, despite all the difficulties that they’ve faced is wonderful.  I as so pleased for them all.  They deserve their success”.