SJBC staff and Students Feature On BBC Radio London On GCSE Results Day!

SJBC students celebrated their excellent GCSE results live on BBC Radio London!

Jubilant Year 11 students at St John Bosco College in Battersea are celebrating another set of excellent GCSE results for the school.  One group of students from the school also had the added bonus of appearing live on BBC Radio London’s breakfast show as they received their results.  Reporter Greg McKenzie came in to the school and interviewed Kyanne, Cherry, Mimi, Sem and Nouredine (pictured) live on air about the outstanding grades that they had achieved.

A delighted Kyann told the BBC “I’m so pleased with my grades.  It’s been a difficult year but I kept going and all that hard work has paid off!”

Headteacher Paul Dunne, also spoke to the show's host Eddie Nestor, about how proud he is of all the students “These young people have shown tremendous determination, resilience and grit to achieve their results despite the horrendous year that they've had.  We need to celebrate their achievements!"

You can listen to the students' and Mr Dunne's interviews with BBC Radio London below.