Don Bosco Ashalayam, Kolkata, India.

SJBC Year 12s Ana and Natalia recently visited Don Bosco Ashalayam in Kolkata, India. Here are Ana’s thoughts and reflections on their trip.

“...The Salesian work in Kolkata is absolutely amazing and inspiring. In all the schools we visited, the commitment everyone puts into helping the children was very clear, from the night school kids, to Don Bosco Ashalayam to the boys working with Christophe.

It was good to see the children coming to the school in uniform, clean and ready to learn. I believe that these are some of the foundations to help people to be respectful, organised and disciplined for life and that the Salesian’s work was helping them build this strong foundation.

I was also touched by seeing these kids, who don’t own much, or who haven’t had the most advantageous start in life, being so happy. They were always smiling and spreading unconditional love for everyone and everything, which was something that I had never seen or felt before. This made me realise that we don’t really need much to be happy and how grateful we should be for having so much. This has also made me appreciate how lucky I am, and discover how much I can do to help others, just as the Salesians have been doing. If it wasn’t for their incredible work and commitment, all of these young people, including myself probably, wouldn’t be what they are today...”