Wandsworth Outstanding Youth Award Ceremony

Wandsworth Young Person of the Year Awards

The Young Person of the Year Award honours young people in Wandsworth who deserve recognition for their achievement, courage, generous attitude or ability to overcome difficult personal circumstances.

The award happens every spring with certificates, trophies and prizes presented by the Mayor of Wandsworth at a special dinner in the Civic Suite.

Wandsworth Young Person of the Year is run by the Trustees and Wandsworth Council with sponsorship from The Wandsworth Group of Rotary Clubs and Wandsworth Community Safety Trust.

This year's ceremony, held on 30th April, saw two SJBC students receive awards from the Mayor -  Year 13 Conor received a "Commendation" and Year 9 Shannen received the “Rotary Award for Community Service 2019.” 

SJBC is rightly proud to see the students receive recognition as well as their awards for their efforts.