In early July, Year 7 students at SJBC were honoured to welcome Marsha de Cordova MP to the recording of their very first books podcast.

Hosted by presenter Bethany, Marsha talked about her favourite books, authors and those in literature who have inspired her in the past and continue to do so today.

She revealed that, like the students at SJBC, that she was part of a parliament book / reading club which meets weekly who are currently reading ‘Love Is Blind’ by William Boyd. In addition, Marsha’s book club also enjoy a ‘movie night’ where once finished, they enjoy the film of the book.

Marsha told her audience that she enjoys reading biographies, having recently completed Michelle Obama’s ‘Becoming’, saying what an incredible experience and life journey the former First Lady has had. She also recounted reading Nelson Mandela’s story, ‘The Long Walk To Freedom’, and said how much it taught her about his journey to equality and justice. Marsha explained that upon reading his account of life in South Africa it: “planted the seeds of her always wanting to fight for justice and being a voice for the voiceless.”

Marsha recommended to the students that, if possible, they should read books by inspiring people. As she put it: “I think that’s how we learn and grow, by following the example of inspiring people, whether it be by a former Prime Minister or by a famous athlete.” Marsha added that she couldn’t wait for Usain Bolt to write a book as he has had an incredible journey and none of it came easy!