We place great value in developing our staff. We believe that effective CPD secures high standards of teaching. It ensures that your practice is fresh, up-to-date and stimulating. When your teaching has these qualities you are more likely to feel inspired, inspire others and teach more effectively, thus enabling our pupils to achieve their best. The following details some of the CPD we currently offer:
We ensure all new staff are fully inducted into the school, usually the summer before they start, allowing you to fully understand school systems of assessment, teaching and learning and behaviour so that you are ready to go on your first day.
We offer a bespoke NQT programme delivered in partnership with Cardinal Vaughan School consisting of 8 off-site training sessions targeted specifically at new teachers.
There is a clear pathway of progression available to staff who wish to develop their expertise and leadership in particular areas. We currently have staff completing nationally recognised qualifications such as the NPQML and SL.
We work with a number of PGCE providers, creating opportunities to act as mentors and receive specific training associated with the role.
We are an inclusive school and welcome pupils with specific learning needs as well as those on the autistic spectrum. Our excellent SEN team offer open door training and a wealth of resources to support teachers in their delivery of differentiated lessons.
Targeted training sessions for all teachers delivered pre-dominantly by our own staff. Training sessions build on teaching practice and whole school foci.
Providing non-hierarchical coaching for any colleague, in any role or stage of their career. Time and space, through working with the schools dedicated ‘coach’ allows teachers to focus on specific areas of their teaching leading to high impact sustained improvements.
Staff resource area with good practice teaching videos of our own staff, educational research and all CPD resources from training.
Each year we organise a voluntary open-door classroom week where colleagues are invited to observe and deliver focused good practice across the school.